Friday, July 19, 2013

Freebie Friday - Fireflies

Most of my digis lately have centered around my childhood and our camp.  This digi represents what we did every night at camp.  My grandmother would have old Miracle Whip Jars that had "breathe" holes punched in the top for each of the grandkids.  During the day we would catch grasshoppers, caterpillars and frogs.  At night we would catch fireflies (lightening bugs) we would spend hours running around with our jars watching their "butts light up" and giggle.

Living in the south we do not get fireflies, I have been told it is because Mosquito Control has killed them all but if it wasn't for Mosquito Control you would never be able to venture outside.  Last summer we took a road trip to Michigan and our first stop was Kentucky.  We got there at dusk and I saw these flecks of light flying around.  I finally asked are those fire flies?  My husband's aunt said yes.  I took the kids outside and we hunted fireflies for a couple hours.  I was so excited to be able to share that experience (finally) with my children.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and if you can catch a firefly, don't forget to laugh because their butts light up.

Click the picture to download your digital stamps.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Freebie Friday - Adirondack Chair

Like many of the digis I have been creating lately are deeply rooted in my childhood. The adirondack chair is probably one of my fondest memories. My grandfather passed away when I was three so I have very few memories of him. One of the memories I do have was helping him paint the adirondack chairs blue. I was told by my dad that I helped him make them but I don't remember that part, I do remember painting the chairs blue. The color reminds me of the blue in a PBR can maybe because my grandfather drank PBR. As I said I was three so my memory is vague but I do remember painting my pa-pa's arm and telling him he was a smurf. He laughed and said we only paint the chairs or grandma will get mad.

I have been thinking about the adirondack chairs recently because we are doing some outdoor improvements and I really want some adirondack chairs for our side deck. I however am opting for plastic and the color yellow for a couple reasons. One the bright yellow chairs will be less desirable to people who like to take lawn furniture. Two the porch color is now Green Bay Packers Green and with yellow chairs the porch will be green and gold.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and if get a chance, grab a beverage and sit outside, you never know what memories you will create.

Click on the picture to download your digis

Friday, July 5, 2013

Freebie Friday - Pelican

I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth!

I love pelicans they are just cool birds.  The first pelican I saw was when I moved to the south, I was walking with my parents the night along the Savannah Riverfront.  My mom started squealing like a school girl because it was a pelican just walking along trying to pick up bread.  It was an odd sight this pelican trying to scoop his head to the side and scoop up the bread into his mouth, after a couple times he got it.  My mom the "bird expert" was rattling off all these facts about pelicans and I just sat and watched him.  He waddled to the next piece and fluffed his feather to shoo the other birds away from his prize.  We sat for a good ten minutes watching this pelican because is was a pelican.  We left but I will always remember that moment with my parents on River Street.

This week's Freebie Friday is a Pelican - I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Click on the picture to download your digi

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Roaring Twenties

Hi folks, Dawn here.  I made this card using some of my favorite papers and my new favorite digi stamp, Flapper 1 from the  Roaring Twenties collection.  I enjoyed  coloring the pretty dress and look forward to coloring the other stamps from this set. 

Card Design: Dawn Taylor
Digi Design: Amanda Marks
Supply:  This cardfront made with  Colorbok papers and stickers was adhered with Tombow mono glue to Staples cardstock.  The sentiment is from Just Rite Clear Antique Valentine Tags One CR-0435.  Stamp inked with Ranger Archival Ink.  Digi colored with Prismacolor pencils. 
