Friday, July 12, 2013

Freebie Friday - Adirondack Chair

Like many of the digis I have been creating lately are deeply rooted in my childhood. The adirondack chair is probably one of my fondest memories. My grandfather passed away when I was three so I have very few memories of him. One of the memories I do have was helping him paint the adirondack chairs blue. I was told by my dad that I helped him make them but I don't remember that part, I do remember painting the chairs blue. The color reminds me of the blue in a PBR can maybe because my grandfather drank PBR. As I said I was three so my memory is vague but I do remember painting my pa-pa's arm and telling him he was a smurf. He laughed and said we only paint the chairs or grandma will get mad.

I have been thinking about the adirondack chairs recently because we are doing some outdoor improvements and I really want some adirondack chairs for our side deck. I however am opting for plastic and the color yellow for a couple reasons. One the bright yellow chairs will be less desirable to people who like to take lawn furniture. Two the porch color is now Green Bay Packers Green and with yellow chairs the porch will be green and gold.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and if get a chance, grab a beverage and sit outside, you never know what memories you will create.

Click on the picture to download your digis


  1. Thank you so much for this great freebie. What a wonderful memory of your grandpa! I'm sure that your porch must look fabulous with the yellow chairs.

  2. Thank u 4 sharing.Another sign of summer.:-)

  3. Thanks for the great digi. Those are some wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. It's a shame that people have to take other people's belongings. It would be nice for you not to have to compromise and be able to have the Adirondack chairs. Thanks for the image.

  5. What a great memory of your grandpa! I love this color and the chairs are very nice. Thanks!


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